About us

Welcome to Solid African, an online store dedicated to Africans and people of African descent all around the world as well as those who support our cause. We are not merely a fashion and lifestyle label - we are a movement that exudes the spirit of African heritage, resilience and unwavering pride. With each collection we create, our sole purpose is to ignite a flame within our communities, initiating them to embrace their roots with unyielding pride, summon the courage to claim their rightful place on this planet and joyously honour the legacy of our ancestors.

We want you to feel proud of who you are!

As Solid Africans, our pride in our heritage runs deep, yet we understand the importance in extending our hands beyond our borders. We yearn to make a tangible impact in the lives of those facing dire circumstances in our beloved continent. By channelling our collective efforts and generating funds through our endeavours, we hope to place ourselves in a position to support vital projects in Africa in the future. Projects that provide essential healthcare, foster autonomous cultural and economic growth and help to construct educational infrastructures in a sustainable way.

We look out for you!

We believe in the power of communities. We believe that one of the most vital ways we can continue to sustain ourselves as pride Africans is by building communities of resistance, places where we know we are not alone. We believe, united, we possess the power to create an awe-inspiring ripple of change, creating a world where diversity and difference is cherished, and where compassionate hands are extended to those in need.

Become a part of the Solid African family!

Let us pave the way towards a future that radiates with resounding pride, an unbreakable spirit, and unwavering love for our cherished African heritage. We eagerly anticipate having you—both Africans and non-Africans who support our idea—join us on this exciting journey.